Alternative splicing

Domain Interaction Graph Guided ExploreR
DIGGER is an essential resource for studying the mechanistic consequences of alternative splicing such as isoform-specific interaction and consequence of exon skipping. The database integrates information of domain-domain and protein-protein interactions with residue-level interaction evidence from co-resolved structures. DIGGER allows users to seamlessly switch between isoform and exon-centric views of the interactome and to extract sub-networks of relevant isoforms (isoforms specific PPIs).

Network Enrichment method for Alternative Splicing Events
NEASE is a network-based approach for exon set enrichment. The python package NEASE first detects protein features affected by AS such as domains, motifs and residues. Next, NEASE uses a protein-protein interactions integrated with domain-domain interactions, residue-level and domain-motif interactions to identify interaction partners and patways likely affected by AS.